Prefer to donate via your DAF (Donor Advised Fund)? Click here.
Your support makes it possible for all Central Texans to experience African cultural heritage in Austin, TX. Thank you!
Donations from individuals, businesses and philanthropic organizations are essential to our work. Your support helps to make this festival accessible to all of Austin and Central Texas, regardless of ability to pay!
When you make your gift, please consider becoming a sustaining donor.
Whether you choose to contribute monthly, quarterly or annually, your sustaining donor commitment helps us plan ahead and reduces fundraising costs.
Plus, all sustaining donors receive advanced notice of workshop tickets and guaranteed spots to Dance Africa Fest workshops!
Prefer to send a check? Donations via check are also always welcome. Our mailing address is PO Box 685285, Austin, TX 78768.
Dance Africa Fest is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. The Tax ID number for Dance Africa Fest is 81-2882786.
Friend: $50 to $99
Virtual shout out on Dance Africa Fest social media accounts;
One (1) free individual ticket, valued at $50.
Enthusiast: $100 - $249
Virtual shout out on Dance Africa Fest social media accounts, and program listing;
Two (2) free individual tickets, valued at $50 each.
Aficionado: $250 - $499
Virtual shout out on Dance Africa Fest social media accounts, and program listing;
Five (5) free individual tickets, valued at $50 each.
Squad!: $500 - $2,999
Sponsor billing (logo/print) in all advertisements, posters, and evening program;
Five (5) free individual tickets, valued at $50 each;
Virtual shout out on Dance Africa Fest social media accounts, and program listing.
Co-Sponsor: $3,000 - $9,999
Recognition as a Co-Sponsor in all promotional pieces and literature;
Co-sponsor billing (logo/print) in all print advertisements, posters, and evening program;
Recognition of sponsorship in all commercial broadcast advertising and non-commercial radio underwriting (where allowed);
On-site banner placement, guaranteeing audience and media exposure;
Onstage recognition for sponsor spokesperson;
Opportunity to promote products/services at Festival (table, literature);
Display ad in programs, brochures, and/or other marketing materials;
Sponsor listing and banner advertising on Dance Africa Fest website, link to business site;
4 Free all-access passes to all Dance Africa Fest programming (all workshops, evening show);
VIP seating and accommodations may be reserved.
Title Sponsor: $10,000 + (Exclusive)
Sole recognition as Title Sponsor, “(Name of Business/Individual) presents…”
Top billing (logo/print) in all print advertisements, posters, flyers, hand bills, evening program;
Sponsorship credit in broadcast and non-commercial radio underwriting (where allowable);
Recognition as sponsor (logo, text) in all print media advertising and promotion, including press, posters, and flyers;
Sponsorship acknowledgment in all web-based advertising/promotion including listservs, electronic newsletters, flyers and press releases;
Sponsor listing and banner advertising on Dance Africa Fest website, link to business site;
On-site banner placement, guaranteeing audience and media exposure;
Onstage recognition and opportunity for representative to give presentation during Festival;
Opportunity to promote products/services at Festival (table, literature);
10 Free all-access passes to all Dance Africa Fest programing (all workshops, evening show);
VIP seating and accommodations may be reserved; backstage/artist all-access available.